Exhibiting at Wedding fairs is an excellent platform for wedding service providers to showcase their services to couples and make meaningful connections with them.
However, it can be challenging to navigate the various fairs' sizes, offerings, and attendees. We discuss here the do's and dont's when it comes to Wedding Fairs.
That's why Vows & Views Wedding Fairs strives to create a professional, informative, and engaging environment for everyone involved. We aim to help you make the most out of your experience with us, and here are some tips to help you achieve that:
To Stand or Not to Stand?

Remain standing for the duration of the event if you can: While it can be tempting to sit down and take a break, standing up and positioning yourself to the side or in front of your stall can make all the difference in appearing approachable and welcoming to couples.
It's a simple yet effective way to initiate conversations and build connections. We appreciate that at times there may be quieter periods but we strongly encourage our Exhibitors to try and be upright to show off their stand and services whilst we have attendees at the Fair.
Sugar, Sugar- Have a little Treat for Me!
Have an incentive such as sweet treats on your stall: Placing an incentive within the viewing range of the visitor, such as a delicious treat or a special offer, can motivate couples to take advantage and initiate a conversation.
It's a fantastic way to break the ice and start building relationships with potential customers. *
Can I have your Number Please?
Collect the couple's details:
Collecting the details of couples who visit your stall is crucial as it allows you to get in touch with them after the wedding show.
Typically, wedding fairs can be quite busy, with new faces constantly passing by your booth.
If you engage in a lengthy conversation with a specific couple or individual, you could easily miss potential customers who walk by. Therefore, it's best to speak with visitors but encourage them to write down their contact information so you can connect with them after the fair.
In case you don't manage to gather as many details as you would like, you can always take advantage of the visitor data we will collect available to all our exhibitors following the show.
We advise if possible you have at least 2 people on your stand so that you can spread the load and also attract more clients and avoid missing out on lengthy queues to speak to you.
Do what it says on the Tin!
Make your services clear:
Clear representation of your business to couples is crucial for potential business. First impressions matter, so don't mislead or confuse them. Ensure you have the necessary promotional materials, such as banners, flyers, and business cards, to showcase your services and answer any questions they may have.
If you have forgotten some of your literature on the day, make sure you take the client's details and send them your information after the Fair so they keep your services clear in their minds.
Fresh and Inviting
Make sure all banners and promotional material are in good condition: It's essential to keep your banners fresh and update artwork and wording to stay current. A well-designed and eye-catching banner can make a significant impact and attract potential customers to your stall.
Two Heads are better than One!
Have someone else help you on the day: There’s a very high chance that you’ll spend the majority of your time speaking to multiple couples, and there may be times when you’re in such high demand with a line of people wishing to speak to you about your services. Try to bring a helping hand with you on the day.
Preferably someone who knows a little about your business and can therefore pass the right information on to brides. If this cannot be done, make sure you collect the information you need or ask Vows & Views Wedding Fairs for the information and contact the client after the Fair in case you are the supplier they just need for their special day.
Promote, Promote, Promote
Be active on social media:

Being active on social media is not just to help promote the fayre, but it’s to promote yourself. We’re always hot on social media at our events, so it’s likely that anything you post will be shared on our platforms, allowing our brides and suppliers to connect with you.
There are lots of ways to become involved on social media. Live videos, Reels and stories are a fantastic way of giving your followers a taste of the wedding fair. We, at Vows & Views Wedding Fairs, promise to help each of our Exhibitors with their advertising for our fair by supplying you with a Social Media Graphic.
We will be posting on our Websites and Social Media Platforms and hope we can strike up that successful working relationship between supplier and organiser by working together to make these Fairs a great success.
Don't Leave Me This Way
Don’t leave the show early or start breaking down before closing:
Not only does leaving early look unprofessional and can be a health and safety hazard, but you may miss potential business. It isn’t unusual for us to get several attendees entering the show just before closing, and they may just be the ones who make a booking.
Getting the Munches
Don’t eat at your stall:
We do see a lot of exhibitors sitting down and eating their lunch at their stalls. This can be incredibly distracting for visitors and detract them from approaching you.
We have a dedicated Kitchen area for Exhibitors to use for their refreshment breaks and also Free Refreshments throughout the day.
It’s important that you take a well-deserved break at a show and ideally should have another person with you on the stand so you can cover for one another and so your stand isn't unoccupied for lengthy periods.
Making Connections
Don’t forget to network:
Networking is an essential part of any wedding fair. It's an excellent opportunity to meet fellow suppliers, learn about their services, and build relationships that could benefit your business in the future.
We like to upload photographs of exhibitor stalls on our Facebook and Instagram stories during the show, and we always like to tag the supplier so make sure you’re on Instagram and return the favour by sharing the story to yours, and follow the tagged suppliers. This just makes connecting suppliers super easy.
Lastly, Thank You, we wouldn’t have a Fair without You

Vows & Views Wedding Fairs would like to thank all the Exhibitors for their participation at our events. Following the advice above, will not only encourage bookings but will give you the best experience on the day.
If you need any further information or would like to contact Zoe or Lyndsey of Vows & Views Wedding Fairs then you can by DM at vowsandviewsweddingfairs@gmail.com or by visiting the link
*Vows & Views Wedding Fairs do not encourage alcoholic incentives on their Exhibitor's stalls. All food items must come with the appropriate paperwork so it is safe for our attendees to consume.